Recipe — Colorful Vegetables Spiced Soup and Herbed Bread

It’s as beautiful in the bowl as it is delicious. It’s so nice to discover new ways to prepare healthy dishes using simple ingredients such as vegetables, herbs and a little kosher meat, and transform these into an aromatic meal. Explore further …

Recipe – Black Lentils with White Fish & Shiitake dried Mushrooms

With the tight schedule and all of the things to do, I’m always looking for alternatives for a healthy recipe full of flavor that is satisfying and easy to prepare. You can eat the lentils with sweet potato as well, transforming this recipe into a vegetarian meal. Explore further …

Recipe — Rainbow Carrot Fish Soup with Spinach

If you are seeking warmth and comfort in these cold winter days, I have the perfect soup to share with you today. Nothing too fancy, just some aromatic and nutritional homey bowls of soup that will make you feel revived after a long tiring day. It will keep the house warm and filled with wonderful blissful scents in the air. Explore further …

Recipe — Taro Root Soup

Like I mentioned before last year I was working on new projects and experimenting with a lot of new things and letting my imagination flow. One of these things is cooking, mixing things up, taking notes of what is good or not, find the exact combination of the best flavors, so that food can taste yummy, smell good, look beautiful and be healthy at the same time. Explore further …